We were off to Pashupati after exploring Boudha. We kept walking until we found the place for conducting cremation ceremonies. I went to explore those places with my brother Degju and his friend Carrie.We were walking around the place not knowing what to do next. We crossed the bridge and took steps to get to the top where we could overlook Pashupati.
While we were staying at the top overlooking the whole Pashupati and Cremation area; my eye caught a glimpse of a cave at northeast of Pashupati. Not being sure I thought of going there and asked my brother if he wants to go there too. He thought it would be cool if we could go.

This was the exact time when I saw the Cave. We were talking about death while overlooking Pashupati.
We were tired at that point and that place was located at far east of Pashupati which meant that we needed to go back, cross the bridge, walk and push ourselves till there. Since we thought of going there without much planning I pushed my whole body to get there because I was tired and hungry at the same time.
We wanted to go there but we were not sure if anyone is allowed to go inside and seemed pretty risky. Luckily, I met a random guy there and asked him if we were allowed to go to the top inside the Cave. Without thinking much he welcomed us inside to go to the top of the cave and told us that everyone is allowed to go there.
He said,”Please visit the cave, a baba lives there. You should check it out.”
I was so happy that we were allowed to explore the cave which is what I’ve never done before. We walked up slowly and saw a thick smoke coming out of the cave. There was a very small hole to enter the cave. It was not possible for us to enter easily. We had to bend our back to go inside. I couldn’t see anything. It was really dark and smokey.
I was afraid that I would fall off because I couldn’t see anything in there.
We then heard a voice of the baba. He told us to sit down. We sat down and then I started to figure out slowly that the cave was not that big. I thought it to be really big but it was cool. He kept a black Tika in our head and then started talking.
He told us that he has lived there for fifteen years and has human skulls at his home.
I was constantly amazed at how peaceful the place was. It’s peaceful even if it’s located in the middle of the city and you can even hear the river flowing in the background.
We asked him,”What kind of baba are you?”
He replied,”Aghori baba, People call me Aghori baba. Do you know what it means?”
We said, “No.”
He then said, “It means that I don’t care about anything. Aghories usually don’t get hungry. I never eat salt and flour. Other than that, I eat everything and anything. I have ate Human Flesh, Urine and Stool to become aghori.”
We were shocked by his response, “WHAT!?”
He ate Human Flesh, Urine and Stool for becoming Aghori!
He seemed to practice cannibalism, urophagia and corprophagy. All of those which relate to human flesh, urine and feces.
For no reason I was scared at that point. Maybe because I hadn’t seen anyone like him before. Weird stuffs filled my mind and the cave started to look dangerous. My mind was blank. I didn’t speak anything because I couldn’t. I was surprised, excited and scared at the same time. Scared because I had previously heard dangerous stories about Aghori baba’s. He had his one black eye glowing at dark because there was virtually no source of light inside the cave. Only smoke!
After spending some time he asked us if there was anything we would like to ask him. He was very happy and he knew that we had some questions in mind.
So without thinking much I asked him,”People believe that you know the future. Is it true? Can you tell us too?”
He smiled and laughed at the same time and said,”It’s useless! Don’t ask for future, You Got To Make It! People ask me how long will they live, and if I say it then they start counting the days. So they die psychologically and never live happily. That’s why fortune telling is really dangerous. Don’t try and ask anybody. You are going to die one day so don’t think about that. Instead, Create your own future.”
He started talking in a friendly manner so we asked him some questions about his life.
He said he was a continental cook when he was really young and was third son among five brothers.
What baffled me was that he looked really healthy even though he didn’t eat normal food.
He even showed us his exercise routines inside the cave and his healthy sitting positions. He also said that thunderbolt sitting position is really good for health and Carrie’s thunderbolt position was perfect as she was sitting in that posture the whole time.
After spending sometime he told us about the day when he nearly threw away the camera reels because some tourists tried to capture his picture. He said that he hated photos very much.
I wanted a photo with him really bad at this moment just because he didn’t like taking photos. so I asked him if we could take his picture. Surprisingly, he agreed for a photo.

I wanted to take a photo with him as soon as he said he hates pictures. This was it. There was no light source except for a small candle. So, this photo was only possible with In-built camera flash. If you look closely you’ll figure out that he has one eye dark black compared to the other.
After that he took us down out of the cave and showed us all the locked cave which looked even more dangerous. He started walking to his own path and we left the place thinking about the most thrilling and exciting experience that we had in such a short period of time.
It took me lots of time to write this post because I’ve switched my keyboard layout to DVORAK.
Edit: The Baba who lives there is known as Tiger Baba. He and his friends are very welcoming and will be more than happy to talk with you and answer your questions. You might not find him completely dangerous, since everything I’ve written above was my own experience – mostly psychological.
They are really good people and will be more than happy to meet you, if you visit them. If you haven’t, then you should definitely pay him a visit. I had a good experience and feel very lucky to meet him.
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Nice post.. You had an epic adventure 🙂
Thanks for digging my posts.
I had fun exploring those caves and I wrote this so that you guys can have epic adventure reading it. 😉
Thanks for writing this 😀
No worries for that.
Hey bro, I am very much happy to see your this post. But I need some help from you. If sometime I be to that place then how can I reach that baba? You didn’t mention anything about it. Kindly mail me the full address or the way on how to reach the Tiger baba. Waiting for your reply. Have some more adventures like this.
Yes dear come n have some experience
Hi dear…
Did really agorigal can help us solve our problems
I don’t know.
Hi Friends,
Could you help me where i can get this baba, i am in a hell problem.
If anybody can help me, it will be great help.
My personal email id :- krajnishkumarroy[@]gmail[.]com
Rajnish Kumar
This baba was from Pashupati, Nepal. Other people might be able to help with other baba’s.
very nice post,i have no knowledge where to find sadhus in india. iam located in new delhi,i want to vist such a place, can u guide me your experience pls,like how u reached that baba,what place,,where u stayed ,how much u spend ther for food & shelter? pls reply in this post or to my id ck90147@gmail.com
I’m sorry, but I can’t help you with finding Sadhus. I met Aghori baba by chance while traveling Pashupatinath back in 2012. The baba was located in Pashupatinath near the cremation area in 2012, but I don’t know now. Hopefully, he still stays there, but I don’t know.
Hi manish u must have read all d comments on ur article,,,n u must have got many mails, do u have any idea where can i meet ths type of sadhus ??did someone met them?nd is it wrkd for them!?
can you please share your mail ID as i need to visit varanasi once and meet Agori babas please
You can contact me through the contact form in my website. However, I met this Aghori baba in Kathmandu, Nepal and not Varanasi.
So lokesh u met aghori babas,plz share , is it real?
U had a great experience with aghori baba
Will definately contact u.
Can i have ur contact details or mail id.
I have few questions to ask.
Thanks in advance
Thank you Rajat,
Use the contact page on the website. You’ll get to me.
I want the complete location address so that i can meet him .
I felt like I was there the whole time, following your adventures. I had fun reading it.
I feel like I want to go there but I’m too scared. Look at his eyes. Really scary!
Glad you’re still alive. 😉
This is epic. Simply awesome post! 🙂
Hey Logan,
Glad you liked the post and had fun reading them.
I was not sure if I’d post this or not but glad I did.
And thanks for the star!
I felt the same. I loved every bit of it.
Thanks Heidi.
come baby i’ll go togather i i’ll take u
hey Yogi,
do you have any plans to meet aghor’s …do let me know by replying here.
Hye guldu it’s all for fun
I’ve read this article and find that there is a mis belief about aghories mostly associated with cannibalism. Well author of this article has visit the aghori at pashupati Nath in kathmandu and what i don’t find how did he understand the aghor and i want to sayy there is no need to fear with aghori if they are real aghori because in my experience with them but if you find aghori like beating ,spelling foul word and doing unusual behaviour you have to check if he is showing this behaviour there must be some reson like , like he may don’t want to talk to you and easy means to get rid of people bye doing unsuall activites next thing that he may be not qualified person and by doing fearfual activities it help to maintain his ego or the person may have develped fraustraion , anxiety or the depression due to unclear path , unqualified guru a teacher , or person may be in confusion state . Real aghori don’t do any scary things because they believe they are perfect on self and when the person is complete himself no need to harm any one , it’s true they try to be alone most of the time so that they wont be followed by the people which help in their spritiual practice .
Aghori baba/sadhu(saint) are those people who follow the path of aghor . Aghor is words derived form the ancient literature of sanskrit which mean simple to the simple and the complex to the complex means they are doing spiritual practice in very simple way to understand the secrete of knowledge that is everywhere in this universe .
if you like to understand and go through aghor path you can visit to Nepal but i would like to remind dont go to the baba with begar attitude ( to solve your personal problem like love problem , relationship problem , financial problem , controlling other ) because they have left their home , living on very difficulties situation , doing fasting not to solve your day to day life situation problem . They are sacrificing their life for helping the human kind like to get rid from the pain and showing the ultimate path of wisdom , love and compassion and the truth which you not want to see . At the whole world is after sex and understand it’s only the pleasure and can achieved power and money but forgetting the ultimate pleasure . so time has comes to think and move to the ultimate pleasure , peace and love .
Thank you for your comment, Rsinkhada!
Hi do u know any genuine person to whom i cam go? M in big trouble..can u tel me?
Hie plz give me adress where i can meet aghori genuine babas,if u know any mail me
If you are from India then go to Varanasi crematorium or go to the place where Kumbh Mela is held. There are great Aghori Babas there, but it is also true that Aghori Babas have nothing to do with anyone.
First of all that man looks really scary. How did you even get near him? I’ve heard many scary stories about aghori baba’s. I wouldn’t have gone there if I were you. That’s really scary!
Anyway, he has passed the wisdom to you, wonderfully. It’s true that people die psychologically after they hear about their life span. Everyone dies so that’s not the thing we should search answers for.
Great Post! Loved it 🙂
It’s adventurous to do stuffs which scares us.
Yes, it’s risky to know about your death.
Thanks 🙂
You didn’t write about the location they are living in this post. Can you e-mail me the location?
I’ve mentioned it many times in the post and the comments. It’s Pashupati, located in Kathmandu, Nepal.
People do not seem to understand: asceticism- in a helpful way: “1. Principles of an ascetic; 2. The doctrine that a high spiritual/moral state can be reached by practicing self-denial and self-mortification; 3. Rigorous self-denial, extreme abstinence and austerity.”
Asceticism is not the Point. It’s the conveyance. It is via the mental and physical state that is produced by extreme deprivation that MANY believe Spiritual Progress can occur!
Hi Heidi,
Don’t be scared of Aghori Baba’s. The looks are only dangerous and angry but inner they are very calm soul’s.
In fact Manish is a lucky person to meet him and have a word with him. Their blessings are equivalent to GOD’s blessings.
Lord Shiva bless us all!
Thanks for your kind words Amit. Really appreciate it!
Hi Manish thanks for your article ,I wish you had more to say but I have learned something more today
Thank you very much, Chandra. It means a lot that you learned something reading it.
hey amit,
do you have any plans to meet aghor’s …do let me know by replying me here.
I am interested in meeting Aghor’s.
Try to gather a group of people to visit Aghor’s in Varanasi and I will be on of them.
That would be an amazing meetup.
I find it interesting to meet Aghori.. Saw you guys making a group.. if its still in process would mind including me
So u met anyone yet or not? Even i want to meet
nice effort bud..keep it goin 🙂
This seems to work fine. Thanks for helping 🙂
Your the first one in this site to comment through Facebook.
And as a follow up: If you get notification on Facebook after I write this then please drop some words below on reply.
Thanks man!
Hi nice post… If you see any agoris like anymore, pls ask these questions.
1. Why god allow people to do sins. Before giving punishment he can give good heart and good thinking…
2. Is it true that we are having many rebirths…
Mate!! where did he get human flesh from?
There are leftovers of people’s dead body in the cremation place. He get’s it from there.
They eat such things to excel in black magic. They bow down before satan and can control spirits and do black magic. Its really weird stuff and weird people. You cannot reach God by eating human flesh,drinking urine and stool. Yuck..eee..
But I must say you have a brave heart
You don’t know the concept behind it.
God bless you and God bless all Aghori.
No… They worship Shiva… He is anything and everything for them…they don’t do any black magic if someone is doing he is fake one…i can tell you all they do for some siddis that’s all
Aghori can control or shut off their mind & senses (five senses), but not you! therefore you said Yuck..eee ..
They were on top of one level in the direction of evolution, which aims to free him selves to achieve higher planets.
you always controlled by your own mind, without being able to control it willmake you suffer and always obey all of your desires, that comes from the mind., if do not get whatever you want, you will be disappointed. deceived by your own mind
That\’s my understanding
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Hey bro tel me
How to meet
Wr s that place?
Plz help me
I’ve detailed in the blog post and comments as well. Please check them.
The place is Pashupatinath located in Kathamandu, Nepal.
Wow. amazing story brother. Felt like i was there too.
Thank you Pralina didi. 🙂
Glad you enjoyed reading.
Manish, can you please give me address of that place? I really need to visit the aghori baba…
The place is Pashupatinath, located in Kathmandu, Nepal. I’ve written details all over the comment section. Read this comment.
Interesting. Can you make your logo on the pictures a bit bigger? And put it more in the center?
Why would you like it in the center? It disturbs the photo and gets even worse if it gets bigger.
Hi please tell me where you met him. I am in Varanasi right now and I want to create a documentary about this Aghori. So please send me the way to meet them. It might be very helpful for me my email id is 6pardhu6@gmail.com. Please send me the way to meet them I hope I will get a reply for my comment.
You’re really a lucky man to have such experience. I am very proud of you, my bro.
Thanks bro,
I’ve sent information to your e-mail. Maybe it’ll help.
Hi, I liked your article very much. I request you to mail me his address etc. I’m going through the worst phase of my life. I want his blessings and guidance. Please help me. I will be very grateful to you. Please mail me on abhishek.niasom@gmail.com.
Hi Abhishek,
Glad that you enjoyed the article.
I’m sorry but I don’t have his mail or anything like that. I don’t even know if he uses mail.
I’ve written that he lives in Pashupatinath. You can visit him there.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Thanks for your quick reply. Please provide some details about how to meet him on reaching Pashupati. How will I find him? Any landmark etc? Please mail me.
Did any thing work at your end? Even I am facing some problem. But not able to find out any solution for it. Need some help.
As you can see, I only met him and asked question which I was curious about. I didn’t go there to solve any problem. In fact, I didn’t even know I’d meet him.
As a result, I’m not qualified to answer your question. However, I hope you’ll find solutions to your problems soon.
I want to meet baba at any cost.
For that, you’ll need to visit Pashupati, which is located in Kathmandu as I’ve mentioned in the post.
Would you like to visit Tiger Baba again?
Sometime, probably yes.
Can you tell the exact location please !
Why do you want to join these type of baba? Reply me. I have your answers.
well as a lady i can say that to explore agorism or to do some sadhna on aghorpanth its quit simple but to much hardwork and concentration needed for that as i mate some aghoris in nepal got so many things to know and in varanasi,haridwar same things well you can write me for what i know about all that mail down me on sharmamanisha0992@gmail.com
There’s one in Singapore if u wanna meet. Aghori Baba Rai. Google it guys.
But seriously y do u guys wanna meet aghoris or babas? Bow to the one and only Almighty sincerely, he will never let u fall at anybody’s feet.
Hi manish i m in big trouble can u plz help me out can u plz suggest me who can solve my prob plz
Hey bro, I really want to join them. But i can’t go to Nepal. If you know anyone who can join me in them. My only wish is to be under shiva’s feet. I’m from Hyderabad and i would like to visit Varanasi as soon as I leave my family.
Why do you want to join them? Reply me. I have your answers.
I have interest Aghories secrets his eating foods and how to lived
Hi do u know anythng about aghori babas?? Can u tel me in detail??
Hie did u meet anyone? R they genuine??
Great story Manish – enjoyed it. What was the reason behind his eating human flesh, etc. (just wondering)? Compelled because he could not afford to buy real food?
Thanks Ta-ma for taking time to read this post.
No, he was not compelled. But, I’m not knowledgeable enough to answer the question. It’s just like how people turn to Buddhism – they shave their heads and meditate. Buddhist are not compelled to do all that but they do in order to get peace of mind. Same way, this guy has some incentives behind it, but I don’t know what it is.
Maybe Wikipedia can help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aghori
Thanks for the comment.
They eat because them did wamkriya. It is easiest method of real siddhi. They are two type of kriya to make siddhi one is Dakshin margi and second one is wam margi.
Dakshinmargi takes long time but it has long effect and wammargi takes short time but it has short effect.
Hi plz mail me about aghoris.
I’ve been to the cave your talking about. I’ve taken darshan of baba who lives there. His name is Tiger.
I’ve been to all the caves at Pashaupatinath & met with all the Aghori babas who live there. They are the nicest people I’ve ever met. The thing is, they are so used to everyone being afraid of them and misunderstanding them (locals and tourists alike), that when someone comes along who’s not afraid and genuinely interested they are most happy and surprised.
They will be happy to talk for hours and answer any questions you might have. You really had a rare opportunity here to talk to a real live Aghori and Nath Siddha & you couldn’t think of anything to ask about? You didn’t want to know why he would eat human flesh or excrement?
There is a reason why they do the things they do. There path is only for the most fearless and dedicated tantrik sadhakas. It is the fast and dangerous route. They emulate Shiva in his wrathful manifestation as Bhairava – who cut off one of Brahma’s heads and was forced to roam about on the outskirts of society sleeping in the cremation ground & carrying the decapitated skull for 12 years.
If you are still in KTM go back and ask him what the esoteric significance of Shiva’s Brahmanacidal act – that would be an interesting question..
Hi Josh.
He did tell us that he was known as Tiger.
I was not aware that there were other Aghori babas in pashupatinath too. How many are there, as far as you know? Where are other caves?
Yes, that’s true. They were all very welcoming and the environment was really awesome. He wasn’t that scary but in the beginning we were scared because we hadn’t met anyone like him.
He was very happy that we were there and he answer all the questions we had. Did you talk with him in Nepali? Because he didn’t speak English with us, and said he felt comfortable talking in Nepali.
We weren’t really prepared to ask questions. Everything came out of our mind after we left the cave. We didn’t knew we were going there in the first place. But, we did ask him some questions like what did you do and other stuffs like that.
He said he was a continental cook and he has skull in his home. He showed us some good sitting postures. We spent quality time with him and it was really very fun, but we were blank on questions.
Thanks for all the info. I was wondering about it for a long time.
He told us to come back to him, and if possible, he asked us to print his photograph. Should consider going there and other caves again.
Cheers for the comment, Josh.
Osho Ranjish has given much about Aghoris – The most simple people.
Hi plz give ur email id
Hie m in big trouble,should i meet him?? Or anyone? Is it good?? I wan know?? M in big trouble
hey, I read your post and I must say, Its an eye-opener.. I came across some aghoris when I was in kedarnath 2 years back, but back then I was really scared of them. This was a good read, thanks 🙂
Thank you Akshara.
It’s normal for us to get scared the first time we meet them. I had similar experience at the beginning but they were very welcoming – not what I expected. 🙂
Nice story. Importantly, nice writing. Anyone will read till the end. 🙂
Thank you Vivek.
Hi Manish
I wish to meet the Aghori Baba you met. Can you kindly direct me hw to go there. I live in Hyderabad.
Hi Debasis,
I met this Aghori while traveling in Pashupatinath. I’m not sure if he’s still there or not though! You can do a quick google search or read comments below for how to reach Pashupatinath.
Hope it helps! Thank you!
im aman i want to visit this baba plz send me detailed adresss.
mesmerized with ur experience.
You can visit him in Pashupati. Once there, you can search for him near the cremation place. It’s not hidden, anyone can see it.
Just move there and you’ll be able to figure out yourself. Maybe you could ask people for directions. It’s difficult to say it here.
Hope that helps.
Wow. You are indeed lucky to meet him. Good job.
Thank you, Namrata!
Adventure reading. Adventure of life. And Adventure of Philosophy to digging to life. You got a sense into life deeply.
Have been reading your articles the whole morning and it’s already late noon, finally subscribing via email.
Thank you very much!
“Have been reading your articles the whole morning and it’s already late noon, finally subscribing via email.”
Those words from you, means a lot to me.
Thank you for taking time to read my blog posts.
Happy reading.
Yup, I’ve been been blogging since 2002 (here and forth w/ research and pun). Sadly we don’t have great praises, as much hype is promoted in our places.
If I would be there with you.
You would have enjoyed a lot. 🙂
I’m sure he would have been a fake one, looking at him.
I wish to meet Aghori. Please let me know if there is someone in South India.
I’m sorry but I don’t know any Aghori from South India.
I love the article I read and experienced once about Aghori.
Could he call and talk to spirit of Divya Bharti, the famous bollywood actress who died tragically at the age of ninteen at peak of her career, her spirit can only give true answer what happened that night, if she has become a spirit.
I have no idea, but that’s sad to hear.
Dude, it was your epic adventure but, dude, never every go over there again. They are the followers of Siva [Shiva] his avatar of Kal Bhirava a God related to all dark powers. You went there for some discovery but those people are real bad. They can control your soul and it’s true.
They follow rigved the agni hyms. If u hear it, you’ll also get the effects of it. Aghori mostly reside in Kashi only, because in Kashi half burned human bodies are left in river. These people used those body to complete their rituals. In this ritual, soul of the human being in that body that captured by them.
These people doesn’t get salvation because who every read vedas will not get salvation. Our souls gets attached to the Material life .
And I’m not an old man, just a teenager. I’m just a शैव पंथ
Hello Jai,
Aghori’s don’t have the power to control the soul. They are normal Human beings, the teachings make them look weird. I met a gang of Aghori’s in Gokarna I stayed with them for 11 days. I wanted to follow their culture but it is very difficult for a ordinary people like us to follow them. Their mindset is all that they are “GOD” if you believe them they are not harm to us. If you talk or go against them they are very dangerous. Just have faith in them and then go visit any Aghori. They will welcome you with a smile ::-)
Can you share the details on how to reach there. I would like to visit.
If you don’t reside in Kathmandu then you need to travel Kathmandu. Visiting Pashupati is easy once you reach Kathmandu.
Once you’re in Pashupati, follow the river banks in cremation place. There’s a big line of cremation conducting place. Just keep following that line and you’ll reach a cave.
Since lots of people are asking the same question, I’ll probably write a follow up post on how to get there.
How do you reach that place?
Did you mean how to we reach that place from Pashupati? or where Pashupati is located?
If you meant the latter then it’s located in Kathmandu, Nepal.
After you reach Pashupati, it’s easy to find that place. You just follow the river banks and cremation place until you see some type of cave.
Hi Manish, I’m still waiting for your reply. Kindly answer my queries on Aghories.
Are they safe to approach? Do they have healing powers? Can they heal any kind of illness?
Hi, Sorry for the late response.
I have only met this Aghori from Pashupati, so I can’t say it for sure if all other Aghori’s are safe to approach or not. This Aghori from Pashupati was really friendly and safe to approach. He was happy that we were there.
Since, I only met him and talked about some stuff, I don’t know if they have healing powers or not. Maybe they have some powers but I don’t know if they can heal illness or not. However, I’ve heard that they do have some powers.
I remembered an incident from that day – which I forgot to mention on the post. He kept a kind of tika and did something in my throat and told me to not keep Sworaswoti’s (the goddess of wisdom) tika or something like that in there.
Hi Manish,
Interesting article. I want to meet a true Aghori. Are they safe to approach? I’m in trouble and I really need help.
Can u tell me where exactly is this Pashupati? Which state? Is it true that they can control our soul?
I want to meet an Aghori because my kid is born with Microtia(ear deformitie). Is it must that I need to take my kid also? Please reply. I need all the info quite badly.
Hi Geeta,
Thanks for your feedback on article.
The Aghori from Pashupati was safe to approach and friendly, but I can’t give you advice on other Aghori’s because I’ve only met one Aghori.
This Pashupati is located at the banks of river Bagmati in Kathmandu, Nepal. After you visit Kathmandu, it isn’t that far.

I’ll probably write a post on how to get there since everybody is asking the same question.
For more info you can google. There are lots of resources there.
I don’t think they can control soul. But again, my assumption is only based on this particular Aghori I’ve met. So, I can’t say if every Aghori is like that.
If you want to pay Aghori baba a visit for your kid, then I think it’s better that you also take your kid.
Thanks a lot for your reply Manish. It means a lot. I really admire your honesty. You answered straight to the point without creating hype over the fact that you met Aghori and you know everything about them.
Actually I’m from India, so could not figure out where Pashupati is located. So I guess I cannot travel all the way to Nepal. Hope I find one true aghori in India itself.
Do keep posting info about Aghories in case you get any updates. Would like to read them.
Once again, thanks a lot. Your info was truly useful.
Hi Geetha, If you like to meet real Aghori’s please visit kashi. That is the place you can meet all type of Aghori people. They have their own community you can talk to them, they will respond to you nicely.
Thank you for helping out, Samuel.
Hi Samuel,
Amy here I am a resident of delhi…I am really eager to know about aghoris …went to varanasi and kolkata also..but could not meet….if you can guide me with real tantra and aghori’s
Please reply me.
Hi Geeta yes i am practioner and we are safe to approach and happy to help without any charge
Helo Aryan sir.
Can you pl share your number to contact on 9886680226. Need help for marriage of 11 yrs not doing well
I met few Agors in Ujjain but only demanded money
I am unaware if tgey really had powers to help common people like me
Please help sir
I enjoyed it so much. Thank you!
No problem. Glad you enjoyed it.
Nice to read it….
Thank you, Aparna.
Thank you especially for mentioning the Vajrasan (thunderbolt position) bit. I have been too fixated on Padmasan (Lotus position) and totally forgot about trying Vajrasan for my meditations.
Good to hear that.
It is good to see Aghori Baba. Really, you are a lucky person but him what is kirya yoga and how we can see god with thanks.
Aghori are the people who will do sadhanas for super natural powers and want to know the secrets of universe pray to lord Shiva and Sri Sadguru Dattareya even this gods are called Aghori.
Coming to yoga, there are 8 types of yoga to learn. Among them, 4 are practiced by common people who take food and remaining they are short form to gain Siddi in 3 or 4 years by Aghori who take juice of roots and practice 64 asanas.
I had a guru if you want to know anything about Aghori sadhana i can explain what is kula and how to gain supreme power that which Aghori are trying to get.
hii… sri datta…
i m vikas from punjab… if u know any aghories plz tell me address of them because i have a love problem and i want to solve it otherwise i will be committee suicide… i m in so trouble plz tell me.. i will be very thankful to you…
Hi Vikas,
I met this Aghori while I was traveling in Pashupatinath, back in 2012. It’s already been 3 years since that day. So, I don’t know any Aghori’s as of now.
With that said, please don’t think of committing suicide over some problems you are facing in life. We all face problems, and it will pass soon.
Think of all those disabled people in this world who don’t have hands, legs or eyes to see. They would give everything in their world to get back to being normal. Now look at you. You are normal and have everything you would possibly need to experience this wonderful world. But you think of killing yourself. Not so smart, I’d say.
hi sri. i am from india. i wants to know about all this shadhna. my mail id is [hidden on purpose]
please send me full details
Hello Ankita,
I don’t know much about other variables that belong to Aghori’s. I just met him and wrote this post about his. That’s it. Sorry!
well as a lady i can say that to explore agorism or to do some sadhna on aghorpanth its quit simple but to much hardwork and concentration needed for that as i mate some aghoris in nepal got so many things to know and in varanasi,haridwar same things well you can write me for what i know about all that mail down me on sharmamanisha0992@gmail.com
Please send me details about that to my mail
I want to learn please leave your mobile no in mail
Excellent posting dude.. It was interesting I have a story when I met these Aghori’s in Gokarna. I will post it here when ever I am free.
Thank you Samuel.
I’ll be waiting for your post 🙂
Nice Adventure …
Thanks for Sharing this experience ..
Thanks, and no worries Junis.
Dear friend Manish,
I loved your style of narrating the adventure experiences with the aghori tiger baba of pashupatinath..recently, I finished reading ‘Living with Himalayan Masters’ by Swami Rama..I was time travelling during reading that book and i felt almost same here..thank you buddy..i would definitely visit these places in near future with my equal minded fellowbeings/folks..god bless you..Aum Namah Shivaya..
Hello Deepakraj,
Thank you for sharing your views regarding the adventure. Glad you loved it.
First of all, thanks for sharing all this. It will probably help other people who want more info on this.
However, did you write all this or copied it from somewhere? If copied, I’d rather share the link instead of writing everything here in the comment itself.
Nice Article…it was great experience of you…enjoyed your article….:)
Thank you Bhavna.
Glad you enjoyed the article 🙂
I read ur post for many times, but still quite interesting, first of its kind. Great
Thank you.
I’m glad you find it interesting. 🙂
Nice to go to lord Shiva
My name is Kalpesh. Please contact me at my number: 09825785789
Thank you so much dude…. I started liking Aghori gurus…
I’m glad you got positive vibe off it. 🙂
Maharashtra me aghori he kya?
Can you please provide information on jake or Jankh entity….
Very Great to have babas Dharshan can I have address where
we can meet baba and have blessing s of Master.
Quite sensational, well written as well. Even the photograph reflects the serene countenance.
I didn’t know that there are Aghori babas in Kathmandu. I will love to meet him when i visite next time. Thank you for sharing these wonderful experiences.
No worries, glad you figured it out.
You give inspiration for me to travel to this place..
I’m glad you’re inspired.
Nice one , Keep more and feed us more
Thank you Krishna. I’ll surely try to write more similar articles in the future.
dami lagyo bro
I will like to meet him too when I visit there
Thank you bro.
Yes, definitely visit him when visit there.
Aghora means that is not ghora that means not terrible or dread or opposite of it.
But these guys with ignorance practice terrible and dreaded things to frighten and terrorize people and call themselves as aghoris.
That’s true 🙂
We can also learn the aghori vidhya from them
I hope we can. Asking that never came across my mind.
pls give address
I’ve mentioned it in the article itself. It’s in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Hey, I really want to know the exact location. Suppose I am in opposite of Bhasmeshwor ghat as in picture.. where should i look for him?
You need to look at the right side first. There, you’ll see a cave. If you don’t see, just walk to the right side, and search for Tiger baba. He’s very famous there and you’ll be able to meet easily. I’m not sure if he’s there right now or not, because this post is about 3 year old.
amazing story..loved it ..felt as if m really present dere..gud job (y)
Thanks a lot Sakshi. 🙂
I m just speechless…… While reading this post i was so excited to be there at the same moment…..but i was scared too….. hats off to you for showing such a courage man. I too wish to be there sometime.
That means a lot, thank you Aman.
Soory dude that was not aghorii ..he was in his tantra sadhna , but what hve u written is good but there are so many things u need to knw that …
If u would like to find the adequate one then u have to do some thing that is weird like
1. love to have blood of others as staple .
2. Worship lord shiva like as u are gann of shiva .
3. Be fearless .
4. Need to create black Aura .
5. Like your dislike and make that things up to your stength .
6. Prepare your ajna chakra .
7. Concentration should be there with the lots of distraction .
8. Live naturally ..eat nature like urine stool dead human fleah ..love nature .be naked at night or while worshiping .
Beacuse when u able to do this calmly go to kheerganga or jungle of casol or u can go to kaling that is in himachal pradesh .u will find the approriate one .Then u will realize what is the meaning of aghorii .
I need to explain lot of things …that are very complicated .
Aghori will not sit with normal human beings .they will select the particular one to sit with and to talk with .
Thank you Devendra for explaining the difference. I wasn’t aware of it!
Hi devendra
So do u know any sadhu?
Do they(aghori) really eat human flesh?
Yes, they do Mily. 🙂
But I’ve not seen it for myself.
Nice article. quiet intresting. well i also visited some aghories and really intresting experiences after all its quit amazing and adventirous to meet such kind of people your are very lucky friend really they have healing powers.
Thank you Nisha!
I’m not sure about other stuff, but I had fun meeting him.
hi nisha.. can you please provide me a address of aghories in india.
I’m sorry, but I can’t provide you with addresses of Aghori’s in India. I met this Aghori back in 2012 while I was traveling. That’s about it.
mail me on sharmamanisha0992@gmail.com
What do I mail?
well as a lady i can say that to explore agorism or to do some sadhna on aghorpanth its quit simple but to much hardwork and concentration needed for that as i mate some aghoris in nepal got so many things to know and in varanasi,haridwar same things well you can write me for what i know about all that mail down me on sharmamanisha0992@gmail.com
Manish , give me your mail , I want to have some fellowship with you …
Hey Akarshan, you can contact me through the contact me page. If not, here’s my email: manish[@]enwil[dot]com
Hi plz can any one help me i m in some prog can u plz suggest me who can solve my prob plz email me @ mohitbajaj97@gmail.com
Plz help me
Awsme post
I like these type of historic matters….
Thank you!
nice story dude and personally i believed all that because i also visited alots to aghoris in india to explore things and after spenting 2 yrs of my life in exploring knowledge i also learnt alots of things and siddhis really once i was also shocked when i saw a lady who was infertile but wid blessings of aghoras and little sadhna she became mother of cute baby nice helping truth thanks dude to explore more one can write me on sharma.abhishek73@gmail.com
Thank you Abhishek!
I don’t know about believing, but I had a fun experience.
you are very lucky….
Thank you Vivek
Hiii Manish
I’m happy to read your post. really it’s so fantastic time you have enjoyed …plz send me photos of agori baba and that place
Hi Suresh, those are the pictures I have.
very nice post……aghories are always unpredictable……
Thank you Pinaki!
Interesting article and more so as i have just finished the trilogy on Aghora by Robert Edwin Svoboda. What a read! Absolutely riveting, frightening and engulfing. It will definitely expand your mind and give you a better understanding of Aghora or Aghoris.
After reading your article I am hopeful that there maybe a few ‘True’ Aghoras still living amongst us.
Thank you for your comment, Amrapalee!
Hello there.
I am a 22 years old Czech (European) and I intend to go to India for spiritual practice and guidance soon, possibly becoming a sadhu, or maybe taking on a Buddhist teacher in Himachal Pradesh. I intend to go soon, right now I am looking for the best way to handle visa issues for a long term stay without possessions. So far it seems that the best way may in the end be to come on a tourist visa and then simply stay illegally. Although I would like to avoid that, I can hardly imagine carrying around my passport and visa as a sadhu, and having to cross border to Nepal every 6 months, having to get Nepalese transit visa and then Indian visa again and return. 🙂
Recently I am doing internet research on Aghori sadhus, and I find them quite fascinating. For one, to a certain extent I understand their approach, since such acts must truly test detachment from outer circumstances. On the other hand, I must say that I find certain things extremely disgusting, especially eating rotten food, feces and urine. Fascinating and interesting nevertheless. 🙂
had you visited and meet them my friend
get me that adress my friend I am very intersted in that
You’ll find it in the comments section. Click this for the map comment.
Manish I want to meet him.so, can u tell me the route of that cave. And….. do u really think he has some supernatural power. Can u tell me something else…… I mean something which you forget to write in your article. And why he kept a black tika on ur head? etc etc
Hello Deep,
I’ve written about the route to that cave in this comment.
I’m not sure about supernatural power. He just seemed like a normal human being, who recognises himself as an Aghori baba.
You remind me about the black tika. I don’t remember completely, but I think he asked to not wear any tika of some goddesses after we wore that tika. He also touched our neck/throat with his hand while he had that tika.
I don’t understand it completely. I wish I knew properly. I wanna know too.
Muje khub paisa chaia
Hope you’ll be successful.
Where is this place? I would love to go there.
It’s Pashupatinath, Kathmandu, Nepal.
take me, if possible. 🙂
Hi Manish when I started reading about ur experience it was really tuched and I love it even am also ready to meet aghori baba once in my life to take blessings dear friends if someone planed to meet babas don’t forget to contact my mobile number 9886235883
plzz can i get your number plzzz…. i want to talk to you urgent
Me to want real aghori number or contact details plzzzz help me out.
Where was this guy at? Also, even though you have to make your future, if you’ve done the right way, you can see, know, feel it, and still it can come the way that you want to make it come. He practices aghori, but I used to also practice tantra, utilizing my own mantras and believe me, I’ve seen where discrepancies are, I’ve seen where one thing was suppose to happen, I’ve seen where you can make something change so that you can create a more favorable outcome for yourself, and not lacking any form of spirituality, I’ve done it. Aim Durga Namaha was a mantra that I practiced, utilizing yantra triangle. It can work – he partially speaks true when he says that people count on it – if I told you that you were going to die tomorrow though, you could ask “As a result of what?” and change it, assuming you remember what he said.
I promise you, I’ve done it, though its tough to prove, and I don’t practice anymore, I can still remember times where I could change disfavorable outcomes to favorable one.
I’d love to meet this aghori. Did he say if he practiced any puja or anything? I don’t know how to spell the name, but in a (I think) Discovery channel documentary on (forget how to spell the name) Jamorgi Baba, they talked about Sharif Puja, where they go to an island in Varanasi (or something like that) in the middle of Ganga, where the spirits dwell and live, and practice the puja of eating the human flesh, sacrificing a hen, dog, and eating their own stool and piss. I know you already talked about him doing all those things except for sacrificing the aforesaid animals, but did he mention the name of the puja?
has no english subtitles
heres a portion with the english subtitles
and the behind the scenes – very good and funny
Best way to show, other than eating stool, what kind of puja they do, but I guess if you were anywhere near Varanasi, you already saw it LOL
thanks for the read man, it was fun!!!
My name is Sanjay, I’d love to talk more about your experiences and maybe get to know more about you as well as what you have done and what you do, seems like you have an amazing time discovering these things!!!
Peace and have fun bro, be safe next time you go to Aghoris!
Hi Sanjay,
My name is Amy…I am from Delhi,,You have so much knowledge about mantra and tantras..
Can I have your phone number please…
Waiting for your reply
Hey Mr sanjoy, I am from London. .I actually terribly attacked by demon since 7 years in London. Demon have controlled by one of family in London. They forcing me by demon with proof. .I seen too many healer but nobody abled to cure or remove it. .can you give advice on chandandey104@gmail.com thanks
awesome yr
aghori baba smoke weeds ???
what the reason they are healthy??
are the “bhole bhaqt”
they have magical powers ??
It’s Pashupatinath, Kathmandu, Nepal.
I have been to Pashupatinath, nepal………….oops missed it. No one even told me about these caves
Too bad.
Hi Manish,
interesting article!! i too love adventures, but as a girl im not allowed.. wish i could meet aghoris before i die..
Hopefully, you can.
Hi Manish when I started reading about ur experience it was really tuched and I love it even am also ready to meet aghori baba once in my life to take blessings dear friends if someone planed to meet babas don’t forget to let me know.
Thank you Pasha.
Beyond our expectations, the ascetics have very many different ways, differing from the common man!
You all are evil pure evil
What makes you think that?
Is it possible for a foreigner to be initiated and to be a Aghori also?
Yes, I believe so.
Hay Manish,
That must have been a really great experience. Keep it up man. Life is all about exploring and the worst part is its too short to explore the world.
Mostly people said aghoris are danger persons.Because remainig alone and no attachment with society. They are helpful to solve genral problem in human life.
Hi, I want to meet aghori
I hope you find Aghori.
thanks for enlightening me……I had a different conception of the aghoris
No worries. Glad this article was able to give you proper conception about Aghoris
I think u r cute, and i have fun reading it. Nice article.
Thank you, haha.
Hi, I want to meet aghori
I hope you meet an Aghori.
Hi Manish!
My self kshitija kadu. I want to meet these aghori baba. Because i am suffering from aghori tantra vidya doing by uttar pradesh bhaiya ajay gupta and family.who r from jonpur, jaha samshanome aghori ki jati hai. It is famous over there. They r using us for sex by this aghori mantra tantra. They r saying that”is duniya ki saari aurate hamare vaparneki cheej hai”. Ye aghori acche nahi hai.everyonce mentality is different. They want kill me. Becs. Mujhe bachpanme inke bareme bhagwanane sapne dikhaye jo satya ho rahe hai. Jisme inke death ke liye mujhase kaha tha. Becs. Ye log yane gupta family hum sabke liye dangerous hai. Yo log chori karte hai, logonko bebajaha sucide karnepe majbur karte hai aur fir unki masum atma ka khudke swarth ke liye istemal karte hai. Do you have any hotel no. From pashupati? So that i can ask them still these aghori baba r there or not. I really need their help. Pls. Me. Thank you.
Hi Manish,
Great, U met an AGORI whome the world thinks are filthy people. Personally I think the treatment of so my diseases lies within the secret life of an AGORI…..
Thank you for your comment.
Really nice to see his post…I had a amazing sat sang with tiger baba…
Can i get adress of tiger baba?
Really appreciate your guts in exploring the cave Manish.
I really love the experience you have.
Waiting for mine to happen in a random way..
Keep Rocking..!!!
Thank you so much Taraka!
Manish suwal i want that aghori contact no
I’m sorry, but I don’t have contact number for the Aghori.
Hi Manish,
Nice post! I was in Nepal in 2007 and have also met him and been in his cave . Similar experience as you had, didn’t know if I should go in there, since there were only men around, but it was a nice encounter. I was not looking for him, didn’t know anything about him, but I was not so keen of all the ‘fake’ saddhu’s roaming around the tourists and asking for money. Then some men came up to me and led me to Tiger Baba.
I guess I must have some photographs from him.
P.S. will be back in KTM later this year. Might visit Pashupatinath again.
interesting storie
i want to meet real agora\’s
i\’m living in hyderabad
i don\’t know hindi & english,i know teligu only
i have lot of health problems is there,how to meet agoras,
i want to meet agoras
plz help me
did he said where severe aghoras (dangerous) are present means senior ,junior
Hi manish,
just want to tell you that you destiny took you there for all the people who believed in faith.
I read you article about 2 years ago and i liked it for its simplicity and honesty.
since few days again the thought of memory lane got back to it again, so i searched it with few key words and after a few hick-ups.. just as i was about to give up to find this article it showed up and i read it again.
Just wanted to tell you please do keep up the good work.
cheers… smile…
aradhana singh.
Hey, thank you for reading and your comment. Means a lot.
The aghori baba, cannibal form of lord shiva are the devotee of Lord Siva’s extreme manifestation. The one who meet them can feel free to talk them and ask any queries.
The Tiger Baba at Pashupatinath is believed as an enlightened holy man. Anyone who is interested to meet him at pashupatinath temple can email me at ganeshpandey35@gmail.com.
I work at the temple as local tourist guide.
I am an american who is currently traveling the path that leads to Aghori. This is what i will be. Most people only see the rituals and it scares and repulses them. Not all Aghoris do such rituals. But ALL Aghoris do have knowledge of the unknown and unseen. Since traveling this path i have had waking dreams of a great many things regarding life, the universe, God. If you can be open and look past the skulls and ash you will see the most caring, loving, compassionate people. Bodhisattvas the Buddhists say. Aum Namah Shivaya. Chant it, and make your life sublime.
After reading this article , i was surprised . I get interest in becoming aghori . I can’t eat human flesh or something like that . You should have the reason to meet aghori , instead of this , you should live a normal life.