Kindle has become my favorite gadget in just a week. I have wanted this little gadget for a very long period of time. This little device will store about 1500 books and saves a ton of money, it’s because the e-books for the Kindle are much cheaper than the books you buy in the store. I love everything about it and is really cool. The coolest thing about the Kindle is that you can order just about any book and it arrives in just about 60 seconds anywhere there is a wifi signal. This blows my mind. I can be anywhere and have any book, magazine or newspaper in my hands in a minute.
The quality of the screen was jaw dropping – it wasn’t anything like a computer screen, but instead actually looked like paper.
The Kindle is a far better device for reading books than the ipad or other tablets will ever be. The reason for that is the Kindle doesn’t use a back light but relies on an external light source like sunlight or a lamp, the same way a book does. Backlit screens cause eye strain after reading for a short while. I really do forget it is electronic because it feels like reading a book.
Kindle uses e-ink, a way of displaying black-and-white images and text that uses very little battery (a single charge typically lasts weeks or even months), can be viewed in direct sunlight, and have a similar look to paper.
Beyond the advantages of e-ink mentioned above, kindle offer many other advantages to readers over physical books: they are light, they can hold thousands of books, they offer large print options.
Oh, did I mention the dictionary? We are all used to working out the meaning of words we don’t know from the context (yes, there are things we don’t know! Words we don’t understand!).
This is definitely one of those hidden advantages that I only started to work out after I used the device for a bit.
I think that Kindle is one of the best inventions ever. It is such a time saver. After I start reading on the kindle I can’t stop.
The Kindle looks like paper, the font size can be adjusted to suit your preferences, and page flips can be done with one hand. I don’t like to use the word perfect, but it’s pretty close.
If you don’t read as much as you’d like to now, investing money on a Kindle will definitely improve that.
Kindle has helped me in many ways. First of all it helps me fill up my dead time. There’s a lot of dead time, you might not even realize how much there is. If you can fill this time up with valuable things, you’re going to have a much better life.
I always take my kindle with me to fill up my dead time. Waiting in line at custom office? Read Kindle. Commuting? Read Kindle. Getting groceries? Read Kindle. Waiting for bus? Read Kindle. Running errands? Read Kindle.
I can’t stress enough how big of a difference this makes. Fill up the dead time with kindle. There’s lots of it. You’ll be amazed at all you can learn in the time that’s normally slipping through the cracks.
It increases our creativity as well. It boosts productivity and increases our creativity. It helps in lot of thing. Since I’ve been reading the kindle I’ve figured out about many different things. Many different subjects. It’s increases our understanding on different subjects and broadens our knowledge base. It’s really cool for doing anything. Not anything but reading. And you know reading is a good habit.
People spend incredible amount of time in creating a book. They don’t write craps. They write all the things they have learned in their entire life. So while you read book you are hacking your life. You are making your life easier by reading things which won’t bother you anymore. You don’t need to go through the same problem as the author has gone through. It’s really great.
I don’t like buying books since it occupies lots of space. It’s so minimal and perfect for minimalist. Normal books are hard to turn and not so fun to read. If the letters and spacing in paper books are uncomfortable to read then there’s nothing you can do but in kindle you can adjust the size as you want until you are comfortable. It’s really cool!
It’s even easier to turn pages. You can sleep and read or read in the sun without any glare.

Disrupting the Rabblement book cover being displayed on kindle. Ironically, the kindle case is of Niall Doherty the author of Disrupting the Rabblement.
Why not ipad or other tablets?
Ipad and other tablets have glare in them. You can’t read for a long period of time. It causes head-ache for most of the people and it’s definitely not good for eyes. You can see your face in the screen of ipad or tablets. The words are not visible in the sun. The glare destroys all the reading experience. Kindle is like reading a paper. There is no glare at all. It’s like paper quality. You can read the way you want to and it’s really fun to. You will definitely not want to read on anything after you read on the kindle.
Look kindle as an investment. When you read lots of books and posts you not only increase your knowledge base but also your understanding of the world. As said earlier, People put incredibly high amount of their time to create a book and it’s going to be really good. It will help you in numerous ways.
Kindle is a must have for anyone who loves reading since you can get it really cheap. It starts from $69. It helps a lot. It helps you build good habits and takes very little space. Imagine the space 1400 books occupies. It will take tremendous amount of space. But kindle easily holds 1400 if you ever reach that number. It’s not impossible though.
I read about 52 books if I read one book every week and it’s totally possible with kindle. If it was paperback I wouldn’t even read a book. Honestly I never used to read books. I always watched documentaries and films. Thought of books as really boring. It wasn’t that fun but since I bought the kindle everything feels good and I read a lot. Reading habit is really essential for you to hack your life and follow your dreams. The dreams are not always the same and all books are not the same either.
Here’s the Link to Kindle, 6″ E Ink Display, Wi-Fi – Includes Special Offers (Graphite)
You should consider reading Disrupting the Rabblement. It’s a great read and I recommend it to anyone who doesn’t want to settle for mediocre lifestyle.
“The world does not reward those who sit idly by. The spoils go to those few crazy heretics who dare to think for themselves. They dig deep and find the guts to chase their dreams. They abandon the safe, secure and ultimately forgettable route, opting instead to take that road less traveled, the one that’s a little more difficult and uncertain, but promises adventure and fulfillment.” –Disrupting the Rabblement
You can check it first by reading some chapters for free.
The Kindle now has superior lighting and sharpness too.
I was amazed by the battery span too. It works for more than a month without charging.
That product is simply great and must have for everybody. I agree with you on this one 😀
I’m a minimalist and the kindle is just perfect for me. I don’t need to carry any books while I travel.
I used kindle but I am addicted to Ipad 😛
You prefer ipad over kindle for reading?
You might be addicted to ipad for other reasons except for reading like social medias and other stuffs.
Well for Ipad its an all in one device. since I travel alot so its easy to carry 1 device in which I can read, answer to emails and so some social networking and its lighter than a laptop 😛
That’s true.
But I still prefer laptop over iPad because we can code/program on laptop but not on iPad, even though I’m aware about the benefits and convenience of iPad.
iPad is mostly designed for people to consume, not to produce. I’ll write a blog post about it pretty soon.