I shaved my hair and went full bald today: 1st of March, 2019
Logbook of my life. Where I document and post everything that I want as it happens.
There are 19 posts filed in Diary (this is page 1 of 2).
I Won’t Let Anyone Kill Me
Affected Thoughts and Emotions

When You Begin A Game
Doing Lots of Different Things
How I Made Whispering The Moon Image
I was not sure what to post on the sixth day of my photo project. I was going through my photo feed on VSCO, and I saw an image I took in Khokana.
I took it some months ago while I was visiting the place with my friends.
I was not sure how to edit, so I thought of converting it to black and white first through the VSCO app.
After that, I played with different tools to make it darker and more visually interesting.
Gave it some finishing touch in the end.
I was not satisfied with the image, I wanted to add something. So I went ahead to the tangent app and added a round shape in the original image.
I didn’t like the shape. Went ahead with another one.
Loved this shape. The middle point was in the person standing in the middle of the ground. It made it look visually satisfying.
After that, all I needed to do was convert into black and white similar to the one that I did in the beginning and then add moon to the background. I was inspired to add props–moon–in the image by reading this interview of Jill Emmer.
Here’s the final image:
I hope you found this post helpful.
There’s only one thing that I regret. Not taking a screencast of all the process. I could have made a video walking through exactly what I did.
If you liked this image, I post them regularly on my Instagram. And also on my Facebook page and Facebook account.
Here’s the list of apps I used to edit this image:
Why You Should Never Focus on Facebook Likes For Motivation
A Day in Bhaktapur During Dashain 2015
I had been editing this video since I recorded it. But for some reason I was not able to complete editing it. Yesterday, I worked on it and then uploaded it on YouTube.
I’m not completely happy with the video. But if I try to make it perfect, then I know I’ll never release it. That’s the biggest problem I face all the time. I try and make something perfect, and never work on it.
Instead of doing that, it’s way better to work on it and ship it as you complete editing.
There are different techniques I wish I used while making the video. I’ve found many mistakes. But I think of them as happy mistakes.
Next time, my video will improve because I’ll start to make less mistakes. The more and more video I make, the better I will become.
I uploaded the video, and thought of naming it, “A day in Bhaktapur during Dashain 2015.” I mostly find it difficult to name my files or videos.
I hope you’ll enjoy the video. 🙂