My Basketball Teammates During School Life
Most of the time, we blame luck if something we anticipated doesn’t occur. For example, you didn’t win the competition. You didn’t get good grades. Your trip was cancelled.
It’s an easy excuse. I used to do the same. I’d either blame luck or blame some external force which I had no control over.
It was because of the rain I couldn’t play Basketball well.
Over time, I’ve learned to handle things that are out of our control. At least, in a small way.
If there’s a Basketball match I have to play, I don’t attach my goal with winning or losing. I win if I practice well. I lose if I fail to prepare well. That’s it. I win or lose before I even play the game.
That way, the result won’t effect my tranquility. I’ll always be in happy and calm state of mind irregardless of result.
I’ll train and give my best shot, but won’t attach my emotions to the outcome of it.
I used to be result oriented. I now see lots of flaws in result oriented approach. All it does is effects your tranquility. You might, for example, play your best game, but still lose. Winning or losing is out of your control.
However, training hard is in your control. Always make your goal to evaluate and work on things that are under control instead of stressing too much on things that are out of your control.
We all win or lose before we even play. For me, the result doesn’t matter. If I gave my best shot, I win.