Trying to search and filter the blog or website you recently came across is really overwhelming, boring and time consuming. It takes you lots of time to filter out all the blog posts.
Keeping these things in mind I created this page to make it easy for you to filter, select and read the most interesting and popular blog posts; so that you won’t have to read all the posts and search for interesting ones. It saves lots of time and enables you to filter your requirement.
I mostly write about Personal Philosophy, Excellence, Motivation, Influence, Psychology, and Adventure which are all related with Self Improvement. I write blog posts in hopes to influence and enrich your life, at least in a small way.
So here’s the deal. It’s really time consuming to read all the posts I’ve written here and you’d like to get the most out of it by reading only the best and interesting post. All post might not interest you so I’ve filtered all of the popular and interesting blog posts.
I encourage you to click around and come back here as a reference. While you’re new to the site, definitely come to this page to find what most interests you.
Ok, So here are the links to “best of” by topic.
Death as Motivation : How Death Works as a tool of Motivation.
Writing for Change : Why should you write?
Secrets for Happiness and Enjoyment in Life : How to always stay happy and enjoy life. Secrets to stay happy and enjoy life.
You’ve got to eventually piss off people to follow your dreams : Why people will hate you for following your dream and Motivation to move ahead pissing off people.
Expanding Consiousness : How to expand your consciousness and enjoy your life. Secrets to understand the totality of ourselves.
Speed Reading: How to read faster and comprehend better : You don’t like wasting lots of time reading, isn’t it? This article helps you figure out the methods and techniques to read fast and comprehend better.
Be True to Yourself : The greatest tragedy in life is to spend your whole life fishing only to discover that it was not fish you were after.
Some Things you need to Know About Facebook : What’s the best time to post on Facebook and use it effectively without annoying others? Read this article to find out.
It’s Risky to not take Risks : Why you should not be afraid to take risks in you life and why you’ll regret it later.
Good at one Thing : Why to master and be good at one thing. Research based on Successful people.
Create Craps Lot’s of Em’ : Why you need to create lots of stuffs in order to create an excellent stuff.
Create your own line : Based on personal philosophy on why to create our own legacy in life.
Lessons from Aghori Baba (Why it’s dangerous to know your future) : This is adventure from Kathmandu. Meeting dangerous human flesh eating Aghori baba. Talks about future and why it’s dangerous to know your future.
My essential workflow setup : List of all the highly essential software for computers. My workflow for maximum effectiveness and productiveness in computer.
Why you won’t regret switching your keyboard layout from QWERTY to DVORAK : People are unaware of the fact that QWERTY is not effective and that’s not the best keyboard layout to use. Read this article and make a switch to make yourself more productive and effective.
What the hell is Enwil? : Find out what Enwil means and why I use it. This is the heart of the blog.
Tips and Tricks to Improve your Writing : Some simple tricks and tricks that you can use to enhance your writing.
And there’s more to come…
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After You Are Done….
1. Feel free to go through this page to find stuff that interests you the most.
2. When you come across an interesting piece, feel very free to comment.
3. You can stay in touch with me via the contacts page or e-mail me at I try and respond to every email.
4. You can find me @manishsuwal on twitter. After you follow, definitely send me an message. I love connecting with people.
5. Here’s Facebook page and this is my personal Facebook account – friend it up, if you like.
6. Here’s the RSS feed – if you use RSS.
7. Stick around, learn, drop a line if I can help. Welcome, and I’m glad you’re onboard!