Fighting Resistance I’m sure resistance will hit up someday soon. It always does. How you handle resistance will determine your success. It’s same for gym, life or any new habit you start for that matter. Resistance to go to the gym. Resistance to complete your project. Resistance to eat only healthy food. Resistance to study. Etc. Resistance […]
Joined Gym after 2010 I feel good. It’s usually the case. At first, anything can be fun. But it requires consistent effort to gain goals of any type. It’s the same today. I feel good but it could just be because it’s the first day in a new place and environment. However, there are 3 specific activities that might […]
Longing For That Accomplishment I don’t know what’s going on in specific direction. I’m everywhere right now. Shooting photos and videos. Building websites. Meeting people. Dreaming big. I’m doing many things right now being hopeful for the future. I’m trying to hang out with executioners instead of the talkers. I spent almost a decade hanging around people who don’t […]
Thoughts on Depression and Suicide Suicide is fascinating. Especially those that involves depression. Why would anyone want to end their life. I always thought about it. I realized why they do it. This reasoning doesn’t include everybody, of course. Everyone end their lives in a different way for a different reason. Most depressive people seek medical help and start taking […]
Adversity Is Often The First Step Adversity is often the first step to success. Whatever success means to you.
When You Fail To Feel Gratitude The quote, “you really don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone” holds true of its meaning when you fail to feel gratitude towards close elements of your life.
Nostalgia Kills Me Everyday Nostalgia kills me everyday. I wish I didn’t take any moment for granted. I never live any moment to the fullest extent. Only look back at it and wish I spent it differently. Death used to be my ultimate motivation in life. Nostalgia has occupied some part in it as I continue to live on.
Plan in the Moment For the past couple of years, I’ve been making plans on a whim. I don’t plan ahead. I plan in the moment. As for productivity, it’s not a good behaviour. It’s good to plan everything before. But for living your life, I think it’s good to just go with the flow. Yesterday, I had no […]