in Journals

What I Learned by Publishing Blog Posts Daily

Green Pencil
I had mission to blog everyday last month. I completed it successfully. You can check the archives for the month of February. I didn’t even miss a day.

When I first started blogging, I’d label a day for it. I’d only blog on Friday, once a week. It was my schedule. When I tried blogging twice a week, I had difficulty pushing myself forward. I felt like giving myself unnecessary pressure over stuff that didn’t really matter.

After I took everyday blogging challenge on February, I’ve lost all those feelings. I feel like posting two blog posts a week is lot less.

I have learned to ship my work. I don’t try to make my blog posts perfect anymore. I used to, however. That’s why I struggled to even publish one blog post a week. Right now, I don’t face any difficulty writing a blog post. It just comes naturally. I write it and post it.

Previously, I used to research, write, copy, paste, edit, re-edit, proof read, share, etc. But now, I just write what’s on my mind and publish it.

Why am I saying this? It’s because we can apply this in other aspect of our lives as well.

We don’t do most of our jobs because we can’t make it perfect. Actually, I’m suffering from that syndrome right now. I’m not programming because I can’t make it work. I feel like programming only when I can make it work perfectly.

We want our work to be the best work we’ve done. We want people to praise us. But if you keep trying to make your work perfect, you’ll never get it done. It’s not entirely impossible, but it’s not worth it.

Writing one perfect blog post instead of 10 average blog post is a bad idea. By doing that, you’re missing out on 9 good ideas, while trying to perfect just one idea. The upside with writing 10 mediocre articles instead of 1 perfect article is that you can always polish an article after you’ve written it. You’ll get to choose article which you can consider polishing later. You get to witness which article get most hits and feedback, and then slowly work on it.

You need to get your work over the bar first. You need to make the concept clear before you try to explain it more deeply.

I also learned that doing something everyday will make it your habit. I felt very difficult to not post a blog post today. It’s because I have been posting blog posts for a month everyday. It’s difficult to leave that habit now.

So, if there’s something I learned by publishing blog posts daily, it’s that you’ll drastically increase the chances of success by doing something continuously, and you’ll also make it a habit along the way. You’ll learn the rule of getting your work over the bar first. You’ll learn to kill the perfectionist inside yourself and actually ship your work.

Really, that’s all there is to keep going.

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